Chocolate about Macy’s
Hi, Chocolate New York!
It nice and warm outside and it means that it is Spring! All streets are full of colors of the trees in blossom.
But do you have plans for this weekend? Not yet? Well, listen, visit Macy’s Flower Show an annual presentation of flower arrangements, bouquets and gardens in Macy’s Herald Square New York. This year’s theme is America the Beautiful, and the show will display native flora found across the country.
Keep in mind two facts: this show is FREE!!! And Sunday, April 3, 2016 is the last day of the show!
As for us we will be there 100%! You know why? Because we love flowers and we love shows! Even more we run shows as every party in New York and New Jersey with our chocolate fountains is a show! Chocolate show of taste, lights and wonderful mood!