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Mothers day is on the way!

Hi Chocolate New York!

Mothers day is on the way! It is nice and warm holiday of our Moms who take care of us and always think about us. It does not matter how old you are and how far. Mom is a person whom you can give a call any time day or night and she picks up the phone no matter of what.

We are getting calls all the time from Moms arranging sweet 16 parties for their daughters, making a chocolate fountain present for their sons because of their birthdays. We know Moms thinking about their grand moms and ordering chocolate fountain for their 85 years anniversaries! That is because Mothers hearts are Big and Full of Love!

So let the God bless all the Mothers of the world and make the light of their hurts always visible for us even sometimes we are blind, stubborn or behave stupid!

You may not get a chocolate fountain for your mom this day, but keep in mind to make your mom happy with some flowers, long distance phone call or a simple smile every time you see her!

Be tough, be New Yorker but Keep your Mothers Heart above the skyscrapers!

God bless all the Mothers and Happy Holiday!

Mothers Day!

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